Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Who You Callin' Pregnant?

We had a great weekend celebrating Father's Day and our 7 year anniversary!

Friday Louis had a day with Joe's parents so I was able to meet a friend at the mall and run some errands.  Saturday we were productive and then Louis stayed over at my mom's so we could have a date night!  I forgot to get a pic of us before so I only have this one.  We were a few drinks in...

I've mentioned before that I'm terrible at gifts so I picked up a home depot gift card for Joe.  At the last minute I thought of making a coupon book for him.  Here is a sneak at it.  Don't laugh at my artwork.  Like I said, it was a last minute thrown together gift and I'm bad at art.  Louis helped on one coupon.  Hopefully you can tell which one.

We ate a delicious meal at Pot Pie, had some drinks alone and then met some friends for cocktails at Manifesto which is a speak-easy under the Rieger Hotel.  It was super fun although I was still recovering two days later.  I'm just getting too old to stay up late & party!

Moscow Mule at McCoys.  I really wanted a cute pic of me with this drink but the red light made me look about 48 years old.  For real.

Sunday we went to my mom's loft in the River Market to get Louis and hung out in the area all day. I scored an awesome deal on old mason jars with lids.  Only $2.50 a piece!  I was super pumped as I've been checking prices on these for a while.

The garden outside the loft.  This was my mom's idea as she misses her yard now that she is so hip in the River Market.

Farmer's Market.  It was HOT.

My mom treated us to an awesome breakfast.  I'd recommend this place but I can't find the name.  It replaced the brewery down there.

Playtime with my mom's cats.  Louis is getting pretty good at saying, "Oliver".

As we were heading back into the loft we ran into a woman (Jessie) my mom knows who was excited to meet Louis.  Well, then Jessie looked at my stomach and exclaimed, "Oh!  And you're expecting another!  You are so blessed!".  My mom corrected her because I am NOT pregnant & then Jessie just looked at my stomach again and gave me a weird look.  It actually was pretty funny but of course I just keep thinking about it.  Seriously!!

I guess I shouldn't wear this dress anymore...

So I suppose an update to my 10 lb weight loss plan is in order since I was accused of being pregers when I'm not.  Truth: I've worked out twice (should be up to 5 times) and also had wine twice on my non-cheat nights.  I think I also ate a cake pop when I made some for an order.  I probably have other cheats I've blocked out of my memory.  But the good news is I've lost 2 lbs.  That is why I LOVE clean-eating.

Moral of the blog is DO NOT assume people are pregnant.  And if you do, DON'T say anything unless you are sure.  Duh.

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