Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sick = Neglectful?

Week Days = 5
Showers = 2

Week 2

I didn't get a chance to post last week but I think I'll try doing two entries a week.  Mainly because I am already having trouble remembering what the heck we did last Monday.  But also because I think my weekly updates won't get read if they are too long.  

And before you get too grossed out by my shower count and start judging, I have a really good reason this time.  FOOD POISONING.  At least I'm pretty sure it was that and not the stomach flu.  Louis and Joe haven't been sick so that is my reasoning.  


From what I remember, Louis helped me water the garden on Monday.  His new love in life is the hose so I've decided to get a water table.  This will be on my "list" this week.  Monday night Joe came home and measured the window we have to replace.  As soon as Louis saw him working, he ran to get his tool kit to help daddy.  The bad news is now he thinks he should hammer the windows throughout the day.  First, I jump and scream at the noise.  He laughs.  Then I start having all these horrible flashes in my head about the window breaking.  And then I realize I'm crazy.  


Tuesday was a shower day because that night I had my monthly girl's dinner!  Super exciting, I know! This was a good excuse to run some errands.  Groceries, Target and sandals for Louis were on my list.  He needs sandals for all of that watering he does.  I didn't really learn my lesson about naps last week because I pushed my luck again and he was not happy.  My plan included him falling asleep on the way home. This would give me time to get changed for dinner and make Joe's food.  Apparently Louis didn't get the memo.  He insisted on skipping his late nap completely and whining and grabbing at me when I did anything but rock him or play bubbles.  Joe ended up getting off work later than expected so all of this combined put me about thirty minutes late for my girl's night.  I was ready for that margarita!  And the 2nd one too.  

Wednesday and Thursday

After my dinner out, Louis woke up at about 4am and I had that horrible feeling that I was getting sick.  Yes, SICK.  Joe had to get up at 5am to catch a flight for work.  Perfect timing.  I couldn't get Louis to go back to bed and felt like I was going to retch so I did what I almost never do and tried letting Lou cry it out in his crib.  Then he happened... 


Joe ran back upstairs and I jumped out of my bed.  Louis did it.  The moment I knew was coming.  He jumped out of his crib.  He seemed fine & was standing on his feet but was screaming and sobbing.  He won his way back into my bed that night and now I live with the fear of him escaping.  Luckily, he hasn't done it since, but the fear lives on that he will hurt himself on the wood floors or that he will have an encounter with our dogs.  The dog issue just requires extra work on my part. 

Yes, I did end up being sick (crab tostadas maybe?) so there isn't much more to tell for the next two days.  Joe was gone so I just let Louis play with the hose A.K.A. waste water.  Pet peeve of mine. I also let him play with bubbles but with the lack of supervision I was able to give, he spilled all of them.  I may have been a little neglectful while sick.  I did let him run around in a diaper outside when I didn't have enough energy to do otherwise...  

Spilled Bubbles


Friday I felt much better!  I showered, packed & shopped for our camping trip and Joe's parents took us to dinner.  Louis' nap schedule is still all screwed up thanks to me, but he was a happier sleepless baby this day.  Bill and Janelle took us to birthday dinner at a German restaurant in Paola.  This made us excited for our trip next month.  Our weekend was fun in Manhattan but I'll do a separate post.  Right now I need some sleep.  Super mommy will be needed in the morning!  

Date Night with the Parents

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