Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sick = Neglectful?

Week Days = 5
Showers = 2

Week 2

I didn't get a chance to post last week but I think I'll try doing two entries a week.  Mainly because I am already having trouble remembering what the heck we did last Monday.  But also because I think my weekly updates won't get read if they are too long.  

And before you get too grossed out by my shower count and start judging, I have a really good reason this time.  FOOD POISONING.  At least I'm pretty sure it was that and not the stomach flu.  Louis and Joe haven't been sick so that is my reasoning.  


From what I remember, Louis helped me water the garden on Monday.  His new love in life is the hose so I've decided to get a water table.  This will be on my "list" this week.  Monday night Joe came home and measured the window we have to replace.  As soon as Louis saw him working, he ran to get his tool kit to help daddy.  The bad news is now he thinks he should hammer the windows throughout the day.  First, I jump and scream at the noise.  He laughs.  Then I start having all these horrible flashes in my head about the window breaking.  And then I realize I'm crazy.  


Tuesday was a shower day because that night I had my monthly girl's dinner!  Super exciting, I know! This was a good excuse to run some errands.  Groceries, Target and sandals for Louis were on my list.  He needs sandals for all of that watering he does.  I didn't really learn my lesson about naps last week because I pushed my luck again and he was not happy.  My plan included him falling asleep on the way home. This would give me time to get changed for dinner and make Joe's food.  Apparently Louis didn't get the memo.  He insisted on skipping his late nap completely and whining and grabbing at me when I did anything but rock him or play bubbles.  Joe ended up getting off work later than expected so all of this combined put me about thirty minutes late for my girl's night.  I was ready for that margarita!  And the 2nd one too.  

Wednesday and Thursday

After my dinner out, Louis woke up at about 4am and I had that horrible feeling that I was getting sick.  Yes, SICK.  Joe had to get up at 5am to catch a flight for work.  Perfect timing.  I couldn't get Louis to go back to bed and felt like I was going to retch so I did what I almost never do and tried letting Lou cry it out in his crib.  Then he happened... 


Joe ran back upstairs and I jumped out of my bed.  Louis did it.  The moment I knew was coming.  He jumped out of his crib.  He seemed fine & was standing on his feet but was screaming and sobbing.  He won his way back into my bed that night and now I live with the fear of him escaping.  Luckily, he hasn't done it since, but the fear lives on that he will hurt himself on the wood floors or that he will have an encounter with our dogs.  The dog issue just requires extra work on my part. 

Yes, I did end up being sick (crab tostadas maybe?) so there isn't much more to tell for the next two days.  Joe was gone so I just let Louis play with the hose A.K.A. waste water.  Pet peeve of mine. I also let him play with bubbles but with the lack of supervision I was able to give, he spilled all of them.  I may have been a little neglectful while sick.  I did let him run around in a diaper outside when I didn't have enough energy to do otherwise...  

Spilled Bubbles


Friday I felt much better!  I showered, packed & shopped for our camping trip and Joe's parents took us to dinner.  Louis' nap schedule is still all screwed up thanks to me, but he was a happier sleepless baby this day.  Bill and Janelle took us to birthday dinner at a German restaurant in Paola.  This made us excited for our trip next month.  Our weekend was fun in Manhattan but I'll do a separate post.  Right now I need some sleep.  Super mommy will be needed in the morning!  

Date Night with the Parents

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Super Wife

End of Week 1

Thursday - Sunday

So the end of last week turned out great!  We went to lunch with my mom on Thursday and I was 5 minutes early!  Yeah, me!  It was Louis' nap time though.  Luckily I had my trusty carrier which he sleeps well in.  It was a little tricky eating sushi but much better dealing with that than a crazy 18 month old in public!  Speaking of, he did wake up when we left and I pushed my luck running errands in Brookside.  We went to Reading Reptile so he could see his beloved "Goodnight Gorilla" and buy a book on colors.  His little friend, Bridget, is a month older and knows her colors really well so I'm determined work on this.  Oh, what about that nap, you say?  At one point he was happily looking at a pinwheel and the next he was running down the street SCREAMING.  I had to abandon my purse to get him & carry him back by the arm.  Luckily my purse was not stolen but I did see a man staring at me like I was that mom.

Reading Reptile
Happy After. Nap.  Yeah, I look crazy.  Try taking a cute pic and get your kid to pose
Planting Flowers 
Admiring his Work

Friday we headed over to Topeka to hang out with Joe's sister, Emily, and family.  I left about and hour and a half later than expected but they were having a garage sale so it didn't really matter what time we got there.  Louis loves playing with his cousins!

The Olson's were camping at Lake Shawnee so we went out to the campsite with them.  Todd was out fishing with the boys so Louis and I helped set-up the pop-up.  OK, I really just sat there and watched the true Kirchner's set it up.  A 9 year old and 18 month old can set-up a camper better than I can but I did offer to help.  Louis also got to see a fish up close and touch it.  He's been semi-obsessed with fish lately so it was exciting!


So here is where the Super Wife steps in...
Joe was on a trip from Tuesday to Sunday last week.  After my failed attempt to have a clean house last Monday, I decided to DEEP-CLEAN the family room and kitchen.  I started on Saturday doing windows and all!!  Well, that night rolled around and I realized I was in over my head.  Here is what the house looked like when Joe got home Sunday.

Oops!  Just so Joe wasn't too disappointed I started vacuuming the couch right before he walked in.  I had to make it look like I was just totally absorbed in cleaning and I think I fooled him.  Too bad he will know my trick after he reads this!  Anyway, I did end up getting it sparkling.  It just took me three days instead of one.  All of this for just two attached rooms.  It's funny how you never have as much time as you think once a kid enters the picture.  

Louis was really excited to have his daddy back!  And so was Super Wife!!

I'm getting into more of a rhythm this week and so far do not have regrets on quitting my job.  I'm still trying to figure out how to structure this blog and when exactly to post.  (Other than just when I have time.)  Thanks for reading and supporting my little outlet from mommy land!

Here are a few extra pics from the week.

Something to Climb!
Bath Time

Happy Boy!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunny Days

Well, I've made it through my first week and I've discovered a new interest.  SESAME STREET.  

I loved it when I was little and apparently still do.  Imagine my excitement when my boyfriend Jimmy Fallon was on the first day I watched it.  The next day I found myself laughing out loud to this skit with Elmo and Ricky Gervais.  The best part is that I don't need to lose sleep for SNL anymore.  I can just enjoy my morning coffee, laugh, drool and spend time with Louis!

Each day, I'm trying to make sure I spend some quality time with Louis instead of getting caught up in all the things on my "to do" list.  Louis loved my deep-cleaning of the family room (more on this later).  I had all the furniture moved off the rug so he used it for a dance floor.  Here is a little video of Louis dancing to "Stop and Go".  Enjoy the video and I'll fill you in on how my week turned out soon.  Let me know if you have trouble with the video.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Failing Mommy

Days at home = 3

Showers = 2  

Successes = 1

Failures = 3

It's day 3 at home with Louis.  I'm guessing showers are going to be hard to come by unless I want to sacrifice some of my precious hours in the day.  I'm just SLOW at getting ready.  Ugh.

Since Louis naps anywhere from noon to 4pm my mornings are the time we can leave the house.  Monday was an errand day.  Tuesday we walked to Red Box to return a movie and today we had a playdate.


Not-So-Clean House
Monday I didn't wake up bright and cheery to send Joe off with a kiss and healthy lunch.  Nope.  Instead, Joe gave Louie to me in bed & I tried to get him to go back to sleep.  He kind of slept but I started to panic that I was sleeping in too long and ruining our lives so I got up at 8:30.  Louie's first question to me was, "Dad?".  I guess he isn't used to being home with just me or getting left behind by Joe.  I had grand plans to return some things and go to the grocery store by noon.  Well, I didn't even get out of the door until 11:30.  I blame the shower and make-up for this.  By the time we headed out it was nearing nap and lunch time.  I was pretty worried about Louie having a fit in the store but he did pretty well all thanks to my Ergo Baby carrier.  Man, I love that thing.  He kept asking about "dad" all day but when we got into Whole Foods he started screaming, "Dad!  Da-Ad!?"  Apparently Louis also associates Joe with the grocery store.  We got home and he took a good nap so I worked on planting my veggie garden.  I thought it was a pretty successful day except when Joe got home the house looked like a disaster.  Joe even seemed surprised when he saw the place.  I guess he was secretly having some fantasy about a perfect house-wife.  Whoops.


Tuesday started out pretty similar but I failed to take our movie back the day before (another failure) so I made my morning goal a walk to the Red Box.  I did not shower this day but somehow ended up behind again.  I didn't think my non-shower look would matter until I got to UMKC where the Red Box is and remembered I was walking through a college campus.  Embarrassing.  Even the construction guys were more interested in honking at Louie than whistling at me.  Louis enjoyed the walk and the weather was beautiful.  I have to admit thinking THIS is the life!!  We played with whirly birds before lunch which he loved.  His afternoon nap wasn't as long so he helped me with the garden.  He was really good at stepping around my plantings but he put at least three rocks in his mouth.  SICK.  I'm so paranoid that he is going to get those worms that lay eggs in the dirt.  I really don't think I can handle something like that.  But I try to be calm and have him spit out the dirt.  He also found a few worms which freaked him out.  He loves to hate them.


 Today might have been my biggest failure.  I've got to keep up a social life and was invited to a play-date at 10am.  Louis got me up at 7:30 so I figured I had plenty of time to get to the park.
It never
works that way for me.  I really can't say where the time went but I didn't get in the shower until after 9.   The park is also about 30 minutes from my house so I'm already late.  I rush out the door at 10:15 forgetting my sunglasses, coffee, wedding ring and somehow my contacts have decided to scratch my eyes out so I can barely keep both open for my drive.  I look down and see the gas light so I stop for Kansas gas.  This is ones of Joe's biggest pet peeves because gas is cheaper in Missouri.  So with the extra $1.50 for the late movie and this gas trip, I've already blown our new budget.  FAILED.  I fill up with expensive gas and somehow get it on my hands.  AAHHHH.  I arrive to the park 48 minutes late.  My bff Hayley can stay for a while but it's my first play-date with Liz and she has to leave by 11.  FAILED.  Oh well, there's always next time, right?  I hope.  Louie had been SO excited too.  This is where it's handy to have a kid who can't tell time yet.  He still had a good time with Aiden and got to see Drew & baby Benjamin for about 10 minutes.  He immediately started climbing the curved ladder up to the slide.  He is such a monkey!

He took a great nap after the excitement from the park so I was able to finish the garden.  SUCCESS!  I'll post all about it later this week.  Nana came over after work so he gave her a garden tour and we ended the night with a short walk.

A lot of people have been asking me how it's going.  It feels really, really weird so far.  Sort of like I'm just on vacation and have to go back to work next week.  I can't wrap my head around how much time I have now.  I keep thinking I've got to GO, GO, GO and that I've got limited time to get anything done.  I had a nightmare last night that I forgot to get to work and I hadn't really quit yet.  I do feel I've made the right decision and feel lucky to have the option to stay home.  I've realized since having Louis that it's HARD being a mom because of the new decisions that have to be made and feeling like I'm torn between two different Megan's.  I think, like any other mom, I just want to do what is best for Louis.  I've heard my mom tell my brothers, "If you do what is best for your baby, you will do what is best for you."  I get it now and that "best" is personal and different for all moms.  Overall, it is amazing, fulfilling and scary at once but I feel lucky to have a "Mommy Job".

Wish me luck being on time for our next outings!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Little Hoots

My first official day off was Friday.  I sent Louis to work with Joe one last time because I had an order for cake pops & took it knowing I'd be quitting right around this time.

The background on the cake pops starts with my friend Molly O.  Molly is a costumer in LA but will be moving to KC for a few months between filming.  Her sisters make super cute cake pop displays in Chicago (check them out at Sisterly Sweets on Facebook).  Well, O is worried about what she will do in KC while her bf is at work so she asked if I'd like to do cake pops with her.  I got super excited and started drummin' up business for us only to realize it was A LOT of work combined with my full-time job and full-time baby.

The order I had on Friday was for my friend Katie's daughter's first birthday party.   She LOVES owls and we were Chi O's at KSU so the owl trend has been fun for us.  (Chi O animal is the owl.)  I posted the pics on Facebook and have gotten a few requests on a "how to".  I thought it would be easier to put here and give credit to the people I stole the idea's from.

I always look for inspiration on Pinterest first.  There are tons of resources out there for cake pops.  I think Bakerella is the best but I didn't use her for this project.  This is the tutorial I liked for the Owl Cake Pops.  I didn't do the wings because I liked them better without and each step just adds more time to the project.

I already had a 5" pan from Louis' monster birthday cake below so I knew I could use it for an owl cake.  I just had to find one I liked that I thought I could re-create.  I pinned several but found this cute Owl Cake.  I used her idea for Starburst candy as the heart and beak as I had a few from Easter.  I made the beak but I have to admit Joe carved the heart and feet for me.  I only had a pink Starburst for the heart which blended in so I used a red heart sprinkle and glued it on with icing.  I baked two 5" cakes and cut the dome off one to stack the cake a little higher.  I also used Wilton magenta food coloring for my vanilla frosting.  One tip would be not to ice the area of the wings with the pink.  I had to scrape it off to get the chocolate to stick for the wings.

It turned out to be pretty easy and I loved the outcome.  I think Katie did too!  Happy baking!  My friend and I are doing more cake pops and parties.  Check us out here!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Quitter

Working at ILS in Vegas

I did it!  I finally quit my job, put in my notice!  Said sayonara to my window office, multi-personality boss and life as I’ve know it for a long, long time.  
GASP!!!  I did whaaat??  
Can someone please teach me how to be a BIG GIRL and get over this decision?!  It’s something I’ve thought about for years since I’ve always known deep down I wanted a family some day.  And when that day came I knew I’d have to decide how I wanted to raise said family.

Said Family

Yea, yea, I’ve heard it all.  The pros and cons of staying home versus working.  I clearly remember a heated Oprah with moms from both sides of the fence hashing it out and making me not want to be them.  So why is it so hard to choose between work and family, ladies (and a few gents)?  Seriously, I’m such an opinionated gal (more on this later) to begin with so shouldn’t it be especially easy for me?  
Well, here I am after my decision.  Wondering what the heck I’m going to do with my life.  And my family’s for that matter.  New to the stay-at-home-mom job thing.  It is a “job” right?  I mean, if not, what the heck am I doing?  I’ve always worked so I have to at least pretend it’s super hard or I might, I dunno, feel like a failure or something??  
And when I say “new” above, I mean really new.  Like I haven’t even made it to my last day of work.  It’s the first day of my last week and I’m a ball of emotions.  There is the fear that I’m making the wrong choice and I’ll be stressed out and horrible as a mom at home.  Next comes the worry about losing the me i’ve known for so long.  Will I just be in a sweatsuit (hopefully a cute one) each day pulling my hair out while I chase Louie around the house and struggle to get dinner on the table for  my husband?

My Future?

I’d like to imagine the fantasy where I’m up everyday sending Joe off to work with a kiss and a healthy lunch.  Then Louie and I have an amazing day of tending to the organic garden, play time at the park, a workout (my body IS AWESOME in this fantasy), maybe some light reading and then a fabulous dinner from the garden along with Joe’s wine made from our very own grapes.  Ahhh...this sounds great!  
My Boys!

So what’s it going to be?  I guess only time will tell.  And this blog if I’m brave enough to confess.