I can't eat dairy while nursing Nola, so these are vegan deserts. They were delicious! Best ones I've ever had & I really didn't believe they were vegan.
Best gift was getting to have a glass of wine in the backyard while Louis napped and Nola got a bottle. My friend Molly stopped by too!
The Brookside Art Annual was this month too so we decided to walk the mile to Brookside with our kids in the baby carriers. I'm VERY out of shape so by the time we got there I wasn't sure if my legs would keep working.
We finally made it for coffee with our friends the Runquists. Their little guy Landon is getting so big and walking now!
I also threw back a beer which I must say was delicious!
We were going to catch the bus on the way home but missed it. It's called "The Max" but Louis drops "the" and leaves it at "Max". I'm pretty sure he thinks it talks like McQueen.
My nephew, Zerano, had a soccer tournament in KC so we were able to see him for a short visit. Luckily I made it to the 7 am game in time to see his goal!
We also took our first big road trip to Omaha for my nephew, Jonah's, high school graduation. Louis loved the pool at the hotel and we took my niece, Aysha, to the zoo. Man, I forgot how great that zoo is. Nola did ok in the car. We had to stop once for her but she really cries when she wants to eat and can't get out of her seat. I'm not sure how our upcoming trip to Wisconsin will go. I'm sure it will take much longer than expected.
Nola loved the aquarium exhibit. I took most of our pictures in here. I was too hot outside.

Louis immediately asked where Dory was when he saw the jellyfish.
And at the end he FINALLY found Nemo & Dory. He was so excited about it!
Getting some shade with Nola before lunch.
My brother has a little boat so we met at a campsite. This kid loves dirt and rocks.
Here is Louis playing in the hotel. The first night I was frantically searching for signs of bed bugs. I need one of those lights. Joe was so annoyed.
Here we are with Jonah. I can't believe he is all grown up! Louis told me he has to go back to Jonah's because he had lots of chips there.
Mother's Day was great because Joe let me leave and get a mani/pedi ALL ALONE.
Nola is getting so big! She will be 10 weeks Friday and is getting too big for some of her 3 month outfits. We are having lots of fun as she is getting more interactive. She really smiles a lot but the only pics I can get are of her serious face.
Louis is getting super tall. He stays about the same weight so he is tall & skinny.
I'll leave you with a pic of my dad when he visited in April.
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