As I was running around this morning to get us out the door, I did something really stupid. I fell down our wood stairs. I wasn't holding Nola but I'm more careful with the kids. Louis is at "school" today so I should be productive but instead I'm stuck on the couch and can barely get up and down.
I thought it was a good opportunity to blog and I'm catching up on January thru Nola's arrival. Those were Louis' last days as my only child. I have to admit the transition to two kids has been easier than expected in some ways but harder for me as far as Louis is concerned. It's hard to explain how weird it is to welcome a new baby and feel differently about your first born. I don't love him any less or feel guilty. He just isn't the center of my world anymore. They both are and it is strange. I look forward to Nola being a little bigger so I can spend a day with just Louis again.
Here are some things we were up to before the little lady's arrival.
In January Louis had his first visit to the Dentist. We told him about it a month in advance and he was super excited. He'd ask when we were going and did really well although they didn't clean his teeth this time.
He sat in the chair and got to see and feel all of the tools.
He showed them how he brushes at home with the big teeth and got a few toys.
And they counted his teeth.
His cousins came over and they watched a movie together. He loves them and announced the other day that he was leaving for Topeka. I think if he says it he thinks I'll be tricked into letting him go.
Before Nola, I was having him do a craft every morning. (This hasn't really happened lately.) Painting was fun for him but not relaxing for me. I had a really hard time letting him do it without my help. I'm working on my control issues!
Louis is pretty good at helping in the kitchen. I think we were making pumpkin bread here.
For Valentine's Day we made cookies and valentines. I learned from our Christmas cookies and baked these while he napped. It made the decorating easier and faster.
He still hasn't learned how to smile for a picture. He is posing with the valentine we made for the neighbors.
Louis really enjoyed all of the snow. Luckily Joe's work closed most of these days so he could take Louis out to play. I wasn't really into it when I was super pregnant.
Unfortunately the neighbor's tree fell on both of our cars. Insurance covered it so it was fine.
My new closet has some great hiding places.
Painting isn't that easy with a toddler around.
Bath time
More hiding places...
Hy-Vee grocery has free horse rides. This is a great way to bribe him to behave while we shop!
Helping daddy put the knobs on his new dresser after we painted it. His new room isn't quite finished but I'll post pics when it is.
He started Mommy's Day Out which we call school. He goes one day a week and loves it. His little reports are always really good too! This was his first day.
Playing school at home.
His friend Aiden took him around the block in his sweet ride. Afterward Louis asked, "Can we play now?". Maybe Aiden was a crazy driver! (Joking. Hayley goes with them.)
I love these pajamas.
I thought I'd include one picture of Nola. She is one month already! Time is flying and we are adjusting well. She is a great baby and has been going 6 to 9 hours between night feedings this week so I'm getting lots of sleep which is great! Now if we can get some consistently nice weather I'll be more motivated to get out and do things with her!
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