Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You Are What You Eat

I'm not sure what I was when I went to Germany but I am positive I came back a sausage.  It turns out when you drink lots of beer and eat pretzels, meat, cheese and cake you gain weight.  I know.  SHOCKING, right?

I gained about 10 pounds in Germany.  Our trip was 15 days so I'd say that's a lot to gain.  I wasn't worried though because I have been doing clean-eating for a year and when I'm really committed to it the weight comes off easily.  So we got home, I started eating mostly healthy and the weight started to shed.  Then we went on a five day family camping trip.  I stepped on the scale today and still have the extra 10 pounds. 

I guess that is from drinking lots of beer and wine while camping and eating processed foods and meals that are more than a portion size.  Plus, it's in my genes to gain weight and keep it on if I don't watch it.

So today I am making a SUPER CLEAN grocery list and I worked out.  I'm putting it here in writing to hold myself accountable and I'll even give updates on my progress.  And since you are supposed to make small goals, I've listed mine below.

First Goal Date: July, 27, 2012  (I am a bridesmaid in my BFF's wedding this day.)

Goal:  Tone/trim up.  Work out at least 5 days a week up to wedding.

Exercise Plan: Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (It's only 20 minutes so I can fit it in during nap time and still get laundry folded.)

Eating Plan: Clean-eating all week.  NO drinks at night.  Boo!  But I will cheat on the weekends if we go to nice dinners and I will allow myself alcohol during this time.

Why am I doing this?  Well, the first reason is vanity.  I'm not going to lie.  I feel better about myself when I look better.  Who doesn't?  But I also want to set an example for Louis of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle.  He is seriously the best motivation I've ever had.  Even better than looking decent for the husband.

So feel free to ask me how my progress is going and even join me if you want!

Since I'm sure some of you only read this to see how Louis is doing, here is a pic.

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