Louis has finally graduated to the big swings and was really brave today. His favorite slide ended up being the big tube which he usually skips. He likes climbing up the ladders or anything that requires me to be nearby. I'm trying to let him do most of it on his own but it's hard to let go sometimes. There was a 4 year-old that was really disturbed by Louis doing monkey bars, etc. and let us know that those areas are only for big kids!
We have been trying to get our last minute construction projects in before #2 arrives in March. Joe has been making a built-in closet in our bedroom since we have to move out of the guest room closet. It will now be Louis' big boy room. These projects always take longer than expected. But Louis LOVES helping Joe work. Joe had to get him some ear protection as he didn't like the loud power tools. He is great with the shop vac and takes measurements for Joe. They always end in a "half" measurement which is pretty funny.
Although we haven't started on the big boy room, we set up the bed to make sure it would work. I'm happy to report that Louis is going on day 4 of sleeping in it! He chose to on his own and seems to really like it. He is even sleeping better through the night. I guess he wasn't as comfortable in that crib.
Joe's parents took us to Big Cedar near Branson for the MLK holiday weekend. I love going down there as it's so pretty and relaxing. I'll let our pictures tell you about the trip.
Joe and Louis played football while Bill grilled our dinner.
He climbed a tree.
Big Cedar had a camp fire and provided s'mores. Louis helped toast the marshmallows.
He took down his first s'more like a champ!
We went to the bar early for the singing cowboy. Louis danced and Joe and his parents had some drinks.
Bubble Bath!
They have a tower with all kinds of local wildlife to view. Papa is showing him the surprises in the drawers. Of course, I was sitting and panting after climbing 30 stairs to the tower.
Swimming was fun. He loved the water slide and jumping to daddy!
Bill and Janelle took us to the College of the Ozarks for lunch and then we had a tour of the dairy. All of the students have a financial need and good grades. They actually work instead of paying tuition. I'd hire someone from this school in a second.
We got to pet the week-old calves.
Here is pregnant me with the pregnant cows. I loved the tour. Joe's dad was answering half of my questions from his farm days. I think he enjoyed talking with the student about their operation.
We thought about eating light and healthy on the way home but baby #2 decided we had to stop at Lamberts for some southern food and "throwed rolls". Louis took home a balloon as a souvenir.
Other than that, we have just been trying to get out when the weather is nice and schedule some play dates before March. Here are some pics.
Open gymnastics.
Front yard play.
The Zoo!
Open play at a nearby community center. I'm glad a friend told me about this. It's only $2 for two hours which is a great deal. I had to snap this picture since he chose the pink Dora bike. He has loved pink since his early days!
I'm now 33 weeks pregnant and still just as sore & big as I mentioned in my last blog. I've been doing yoga which helps but I've pushed it a little far a few times and paid for it later. I thought I was doing really good on eating light and healthy and then got another ravenous hunger for a few weeks. In the span of two weeks between appointments, I changed from measuring a week behind to two weeks ahead. That little baby had a growth spurt and I was devouring everything in site! Speaking of food...